After a whole day of hard work to clean up the house, thanks to my dear mum, all of us were serve with a scrumptious diner with steamboat. A wide variety of delicious food was served.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Is friendship important to you?
To me? Yes it is.. but sometimes I really wonder how actually should true friends treat each other?? Not including hi bye friends, colleages, coursemates, etc. Friends complains abouts me... about how I've treated them. Am I that bad? Am I?
With the reflection of myself, sometimes I felt regret that I did things that way, and made things ended up differently. The recent quarrel with my friend, was mainly due to emails! words may really portray a different meaning from the sender and receiver side. Thus emails should be used wisely, every word counts. Even when talking on the phone, your voice tone will make a big difference. With the words I uttered without going through my pig brain, I hurt my friend. I regretted my actions. Everything could have been undone, if I put more patience into the conversations.
With the recent few arguments with my dear friends, I really believe in applying The Cause and Effect theory to build up good relationships. Life is short even though it may seems long for you now, because before you know it, life will be over. And! There will be things you wish you could do better, things that you wish you have taken courage to do, people that you miss so dearly but spent little or no time on, Dreams which never turn to reality. Everyday is a day to remember, a day to cherish, a day for us to be in control. Don't turn away from difficulties and problem but face them. Face them with a clear mind and pure heart. Be Optimistic but never neglect the consequences. Be hardworking but never forget to rest for the longer journey ahead which awaits you.
Sorry If I've done things wrongly. Please be patience with me, I'm also learning to be a better person.
Happy CNY in advance!
Posted by ~ShEriNe~ at 6:30 AM 2 comments
In Love!
1) Clean my room. Fix my new wall rack, and shelf!! yippy, love my new furniture! why? because they are cheap!! Well of they look better than the old ones..
2)Made some cookies again.. why? because of the left over ingredients that is... first batch was fine... second batch... burnt again!! i guess I am really bad at baking!
3)Played Nintendo wii! Today is the first time I really step in and play Nintendo wii... ok ok, I know I may sound abit "Jungle". Fell in love with the it dy! its so fun! Played, tenis, baseball, bowling, golf, boxing... all lost to my bro except bowling!! hehe got 3 strike in a row!! recorded a new high score... yippy...
Also tried wii fit, not bad indeed...
Alright, enough excitement for a day! going to prepare for bed now...
Posted by ~ShEriNe~ at 6:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Days before CNY
Manage to find my camera today, while cleaning up my room. yippy! the cookies photos are found... Finally!!Roasted Peanuts with Lam's Bread maker!
Peanut Biscuits : The end product
Cornflakes cup mix
One of my favourite CNY biscuits!
Posted by ~ShEriNe~ at 9:07 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Cherish your life!
Life Is a
before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't
you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone
who has nothing to eat.
you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone
who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
before you complain about life - Think of someone who died
too early on this earth.
you complain about your children - Think of someone who
desires children but they're barren.
you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or
sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.
And when
you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your
before you think of pointing the finger or condemning
another - Remember that not one of us is without sin.
And when
depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on
your face and think: you're alive and still
Posted by ~ShEriNe~ at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
2nd Weekends of 2009
What a busy week i had at work. A couple of things pop up from no where and i had to handle yet I am not familiar with it. Quite fed up when trying to complete them... it has been quite awhile since i need to deal with pressure like this. Gosh!! hope things will clear up next week!
But one thing have change for sure, is that I don't plan to 100% work over the weekends to get them done! sat? yes, planning to complete some of the task. But sun? reserve for my two best buddies for CNY cookies baking session!! Will post some photos afterwards.
Sat: Work on VHDL to verilog conversion! :- still struggling.... Ivan (big bro best fren) came over to visit, so had a few chats with them. Ivan brought his gf along, her name? Melissa!! Pretty gal ooo. Handsome guy + Pretty gal ^_^ a prefect match.
Sun: Went to market early morning with mum. Spend ~RM19 at auntie rose baking store(gosh... the auntie rose is damn expensive.... no more next time) Then went to sunshine to buy a couple of things... spend RM35... :) Was late for cookie making session... contacted lam when i reach home. Ivy also reach my hse abt the same time.. lucky lucky.
The baking session was superb!! why? because I get to have my two best buddies doing it with me! it is just so sweet right? Today is a day to be remember of! thus I took some photos of our masterpieces... although not really successful... its really a enjoyable yet tiring cookie making process! We made, peanut cookies, sugee cookies, cornflakes cookies, and cornflakes cups ( this taste the best!! ). Sad thing is that some of the cookies were burnt! haha we were busy making new ones, while we neglected the ones in the oven and burnt them up! what a waste! The most successful cookies is the cornflakes mix cups, where minimal baking is needed! its so easy yet so delicious to make! Thanks pal for sharing it with us!! hoo hoo... yummy yummy.. i kept on eating that non-stop...
Posted by ~ShEriNe~ at 3:57 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
1st Weekends of 2009
1st week of the new year and I am still in holiday mood.
Oh ya, one of my close friend just went to US for work duty. Wow! nice.... being able to travel overseas during recession is just superb!! just imagine getting the extra bucks while others are actually earning less due to company shut downs, VSS, pay cut etc. Ain't it just sweet?
What I want to do for the weekends of 2009? For 2009, I'm not going to work through my weekends anymore! Even if i need to work, i want to get some of my personal stuff done as well.
Sat : Made Tiramisu cake! Genting Vouchers on Sale!
Sun : Bake cornflakes cookies! Meet up with Anthea for dinner tonight.
Posted by ~ShEriNe~ at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year 2009
Wow.... I can barely see the sparks beneath the more than an inch thick dust build up here...
After thinking through new years eve, I've decided to have my blog maintain for year 2009. Still not sure if this can be accomplish but I sure hope I can.
There are a bunch of things in my to do list this year and I really hope I can achieve at least 80% of them...
Reading through others blog, makes me reflect back what I've achieve for the past year, and the reflection is really terrible. A total disappointment in myself.
This is the first blog of the year 2009! Horray! Lets cheer for a better tomorrow!
Will update my blog much more often now. Hope that this will not be just stop for remembrance for myself in the future but also serve well as a reminder and reflection of myself. Let's all fight for a better tomorrow.
Posted by ~ShEriNe~ at 9:28 PM 0 comments