Finally... after 8 years of having long straight hair, and 3 months of long curly hair... I've decided to have my cut short to shoulder length. Haha, my little brother thought it was hard decision to make after so many years, but actually it was the other way around, because I am pretty fed up with the same image for so many years. Although this new haircut may looks bad... who cares? as long as its something different... right?
Mum brought me to this barber, open by her fren's fren... ( oh that's far..)
Fairly price! it was consider cheap among available hair dresser nowadays! Of cause this shop is not a well known hairdresser, nor is it located a nice shop lots... its actually a house converted to a hair dresser. :)
With a price of RM15, I'm am satisfied with his service and will come back in future...
Here are some photos of my new haircut @ my room and house stairway
Right view....Front view....
Left view
:) feel lighter and fresh after the haircut... although everybody kept saying I look like auntie... sad sad.... maybe cuz I dint color my hair?
Bingka Beras Improved
7 years ago
I will fall in love on you again~~ :)
Thank you thank you...
Miss you...
Do enjoy urself in the states!
Take good good care of urself!
haha.....cute cute lor.....maybe u should colour it? hehe.....
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