Friday, March 20, 2009

Ducky in Action

Safe journey dear chicky..... Bon Voyage.

Chicky decided to leave us for the better after 4 days of sharing its joy with us. Let's hope it is resting in peace now...

As for Ducky! Oh... we had a spendid time together till now. Its indeed a cute naughty ducky... it is picky at food.... at first the only food it takes in kang kung vegetables. We tried to feed it with rice, papaya, fish, oranges, chic nibbles and all fails... but luckily recently it is becoming more and more of a big eater! haha the only food that it dislike till now is papaya and oranges. I guess it is afraid of the ORANGE color.... not sure why though.....

Well, enough of the past... today ducky was given a chance to fish for it self... to train up its self survival skill living in a pond. Want to know more? Check out the video clip below:

Ducky fav food is live fishes! :)
Hope it grow up to be a healthy female ducky! let's hope for the best!


Unknown said...

ya ya..ur ducky super cute la...quak

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