Thursday, July 30, 2009

my samsung J700

Wow!! amazing!! Samsung J-700 is pretty amazing!! recommended phone to buy if you are looking for something simple and tough.... WOnder why TOUGH?
well, netherless to say those who know me well enough, will know how i take care of my things... one word.. like S***.... why? i never know how to appreciated things that I use..... why? .............. bad habit since young.... geez.... so not like a girl.....
Why it is tough?
it suffered alot from various dropping... but today it suffered even more......usually it was just a table height, or from my pocket height... but today! it drop approximately from 3M height.... i went to my rooftop to do my laundry and the phone accidentally slip from my hand as i was struggling to hang the cloths and talk on the phone at the same time... bad me.... bad bad me...
Amazingly! the call dint drop (as the battery still stays on the phone...) hohoho...

Here is the photo of my wounded beauty! hope it can last long long although it is treated so badly by its master... gomenasai... please forgive me....


The Tiny Me said...

Faint... lucky doesn't better use those big and bulky ei.... :P

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